Thursday, June 26, 2008

Can You Become a Creature of New Habits?

I apologize for posting late this week.

I found this article very interesting and hope you do too.

I am a firm believer in stretching outside of my comfort zone and this article explains the long term value in doing just that.

Nickolas W Jekogian

Monday, June 16, 2008

What it Takes to Succeed. -- Ground Work

After setting goals and a strategy the next step is to jump in and start working. Even though your goals may be to run the company that is not where you start. The first step is to find a way into an industry at a level that you can be an outstanding performer. Practice the art of under promise and over perform.

"You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do." - Henry Ford

My personal example of this was when I started working for my first internship in college. I was 18 yrs old didn't know anything about business but I did have one advantage over just about everyone else in the company. I knew how to use a computer. In 1987 computers where just starting to be used in the office but I had been using them in school for years and I was good with them. So I became the "go to" guy for computer problems. I would then stay late at the office and trade help with computers for answers on how real estate worked. Late at night in the office I would have the most time to spend with senior executives who mentored me in the real estate business.

So my tip today is find something that you can bring to the organization that no one else does and use that to help the company grow, in turn you will be rewarded.

"Deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable in your work that eventually you will become indispensable."
- Og Mandino (1923-1996), American motivator, author, speaker

Here are a few more quotes from very successful people to drive home this concept

There's often no way you can look into the game of life and determine whether or not you'll get that big break tomorrow or whether it will take another week, month, year or even longer. But it will come!
Zig Ziglar(1933-, American Sales Trainer, Author, Motivational Speaker

"I could work harder than everyone." - Jerry Rice

"We had other teams beat in warm-up because we were prepared." - Jerry Rice

"Do your homework because kids in India are." - Jim Tunney

"The reason why so little is done is generally because so little is attempted."
- Samuel Smiles (1812-1904, Scottish author)

"Step by step. I can't think of any other way of accomplishing anything."
- Michael Jordan

"Nature gave us two ends one to sit on and one to think with. Ever since then, man's success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most."
- Robert Albert Bach

"If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
- Thomas Edison (1847-1931

"Anything in life worth having is worth working for."
- Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919), Scottish industrialist & philanthropist; founder, Carnegie Steel Co.

"The fruits of life fall into the hands of those who climb the tree and pick them."
- Earl Tupper (1907-1983), American businessman; inventor of Tupperware

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."
- Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), German social philosopher

"Whatever it takes, that's what I do."
- David R. Mellor, Dir. of Grounds, Fenway Park

Please add some comments to this blog. I would like to hear about some of your ideas or your abilities that we are not using to the fullest capacity.

Thanks for making it happen

Monday, June 9, 2008

Strategic Plan - Short Term Milestones

Continuing our theme from last week the subject is "What it takes to succeed". Last week we spoke about goal setting. I hope that everyone took the time over the past week to not only think about their long term goals but to also put them in writing. Unwritten goals are wishes, written ones are do able.

Once you have taken the time to write your concise goal list its time to start thinking about how to get there (Strategic plan). Now is the time to map out the intermediate steps required.

Example - Goal - be US President.
Strategic plan - finish college, law school, local elections, marry rich wife, cultivate supporters, run for Congress, lose a few races, run for Senate, run for party candidate, win election.

Obviously this is a simplified plan but hopefully you get the point that you need to now set up a plan for getting from where you are today to where you want to be. Step by step is how the game is played.

So now that you have clearly written down your goals its time to work on your strategic plan for getting there. Good luck and if you need any help this is where a mentor will come in handy. I am sure if you ask your supervisor they would be happy to help with this process. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your long term goals that is fine just ask them to help you with the strategic plan to move you towards the bigger goals.

Here is an example of one of my goals - Goal - Complete Ironman Hawaii.
Strategic plan - learn to run long distance, learn to swim, buy a bike, sign up for short distance triathlons, compete in a half Ironman, train hard for long distance Ironman, compete against the clock in Ironman, compete against others to win a spot in Hawaii, lose, compete again, win, go to Hawaii.

If anyone needs my help please do not hesitate to email and call me directly.

More to continue next week on our road to success.

Keep making it happen!

Nickolas W Jekogian

Monday, June 2, 2008

Organizational Announcement

We are very pleased to announce a major change which is going to happen as of July 1st. Specifically, we will be launching our new management company, Signature Community Management, LLC (SCM). This new company will be assuming the responsibility for managing all of the properties formerly managed by The Neighborhood Group and Green Street Management. So, as of this date The Neighborhood Group will no longer manage the properties owned by NWJ Companies and their affliaties and Green Street's operations will be merged into SCM.
The reason why this new company was formed was due to the tremendous growth of NWJ Companies, their future plans to become a billion dollar company, and consistancy of the Signature Community brand and its model of Customer Service. For this growth to continue, we believe we need to manage the properties directly through a subsidiary that we control.

So what does this mean to you personally? Most of The Neighborhood Group employees assigned to our properties will be offered employment with Signature Community Management. We are currently reviewing everyone’s performance and the outcome of this will determine who is receiving offers. You will know this very soon.

As far as your compensation, we will make sure that your salary is exactly the same as before. And we are working on the benefit programs, which we will ensure are equal to what you currently receive.

Most of all, what this means to you is tremendous opportunity. You will become part of a growing and thriving organization that is on the cutting edge of building a national brand, Signature Community. This will create for you the opportunity to grow in your career by learning more, assuming more responsibility, and hopefully gaining promotions.

Along with this organizational change, we have hired Nick Moos as the Vice President of Property Management. Nick’s new position with Signature Community Management is to help lead the company by working closely with the regional property managers, implementing training programs, standardizing operating procedures, and much more.

Nick will report to Michael Greenzang, President of Signature Community Management. And the new company, will report to us and be managed by Brian Kroker.

There is also a change relating to Green Street Management, the organization which manages our properties in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Richmond and DC. This organization will become part of Signature Community Management. For the people employed by Green Street this represents mostly a name change.

There is much more information to share with you and we are sure that you will have many questions. So we plan to have a company wide conference call on Thursday, May 29th at 1:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time). Here is the call in information : 712-580-6300, passcode 807247#

We realize at times like this information is very important. So we have created a new blog which will be updated regularly with further information. Please check it regularly.

Finally, we want to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to Bill Charcut, Mike Napovanice, and everyone at The Neighborhood Group. We know that without their support, passion, and expertise, we could not have reached this important milestone. It is because of the excellent work The Neighborhood Group has provided which got us to this important juncture. Thank you very much to everyone.

Nick Jekogian, III, President & CEO, NWJ Companies.
Brian Kroker, Vice President- Asset Management, NWJ Companies


Someone asked me the other day "What does it take to be successful?" This is a multi-part series on what it takes.

First step - SET GOALS.

Biggest Owner of apartments.
Greatest lifestyle brand in the world.
Most profitable real estate owner.
Best chef in America
Fastest runner in the Midwest
Best dad/mom possible.

It all starts with a goal.

What do you want to do?

And remember its doesn't have to be limited to just one speciality.

A caring and involved father/husband running the largest multifamily ownership company specializing in improving customer lifestyles.

Sounds better then - the largest landlord in America, right?


They don't have to be long term either -
Run a marathon in under 3.30 by the time I am 40.
Have 2 kids before 45., etc. etc.
Bring market occupancy to 90%.
Have my residents refer friends to our community
Get married

Think about this before next weeks installment.

Without you and your involvement there is no way my goals will be accomplished.

Thanks for Making it Happen.
