It's the little things that matter
Recently, I was skiing in Colorado. The skiing was great and the lift lines were short. What more could you ask for? Cookies! Every day at 3pm sharp, the kitchen would bring out batches of cookies for everyone. Trays and trays flowed from the kitchen and throngs of skiers would flock to the waiters carrying the cookies. One of the biggest topics talked about on the lifts and in the lodge wasn't the great skiing or how fast the new lift was, the discussion was about how great the cookies were.
At Signature Community our buildings are not very special. Nothing to really talk about. But the service we give to our residents is talked about and appreciated. Whether it is shown with a 80% renewal rate or from hearing stories like Darrin the maintenance tech who received a shirt from one of our residents that said "THE DO IT GUY" Or the resident that sent in a letter the other day saying how great we are. We may not have the best buildings on the block, but we do have the best service level in the industry. Let's keep our residents talking about our great service!
Thanks for being part of the WOW experience at Signature Community.