Take a look at this entire video.
I am writing today's blog from Starbucks and they definitely get this video. Apple under Steve Jobs gets it; Microsoft under Steve Balmer does not.
Signature Community has been trying to get it and continues everyday to get better at it. At Signature the "WHY" is creating a living environment for our residents that is affordable, yet fosters a sense of community. We don't look at our relationship as landlord/tenant instead we see our role as leaders of the community with our residents as the members.
Since Signature started to see the" why" as helping make our residents lives better in their current living situation, we were able to create programs to help residents. Some of the examples; a jobs program that helped more than 100 residents work to payoff back rent last year, a resident internship program that has converted non-paying residents to vital team members at Signature.
Every day at Signature we continue to build our sense of community with the focus on our resident community members not on our bottom line. As Simon Sinek explained above, when a company gets the WHY right the profits follow. We see the same at Signature Community.
Thanks for helping to make it happen at Signature Community!
--Nickolas Jekogian
Signature Community
Blog -http://www.nwjceommm.blogspot.com/
"Si3" Signature: Ideas, Innovation, Implementation!
Send ideas to: ideas@asignaturecommunity.com