John F. Kennedy
40 years ago today, the first man walked on the moon. An unbelievable accomplishment for the US and our relatively new space program. It's said that the simple act of walking on the moon, has fostered the can do and innovative spirit that makes the United States the world's leading economy.

When President Kennedy announced that the US would send a man to the moon in four years, many (if not most) thought that he was crazy. He was proposing to do the impossible. 4 years later it didn't look so impossible.
So much of success is created by envisioning the impossible, selling the impossible and then relentlessly pushing forward to do the impossible.
NWJ/Signature Community is based on the basic premise that has guided my life, from when I was young. Nothing is impossible.
NWJ/Signature has done the impossible many times in the past and will do it again in the future. We have closed deals that everyone said would never happen, created a brand in a commodity business, successfully expanded into markets when others had failed. We seek out and do the impossible, year after year.
My personal life is no different. This weekend with little preparation I represented the Signature Community team in a 24 hr 128 mile relay race to fight homelessness. I along with 4 other team members (Michael Jekogian, Steve Wissak, Uncle Nick) including my 85 year old uncle, ran for 19 continuous hours to reach our goal. When we first realized we were doing this race with 2 men short, we thought it would be impossible. But when I was out there, finishing the last lap at 4 AM with the only source of light being the crescent moon and a AAA battery flashlight, I knew that we had accomplished the impossible.
As we push to the final weeks of our leasing season, I see that same spirit I felt out there on the race course. The attitude of accomplishment, the attitude that nothing is going to stop us and that nothing is impossible. Same with our acquisitions group and their goals. We may be short a few people but the goal is still the same and we will reach our goals. Our finance and accounting teams have reiterated too that they are going to make it happen.
It's the "we can make the impossible happen" attitude, that made this company a success and will make us one of the greatest lifestyle brands of the 21st century.
I have attached below a few links to some of my favorite motivational videos. Every once in a while when I feel that something isn't possible I take a look at one of these and remember that nothing is impossible.
Thanks for Making the Impossible Happen!
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