Monday, January 18, 2010

25 Hour Days

25 Hour Days

Wouldn't it be great to have an extra hour a day?  Just think, you could spend another hour with the kids, go fishing, skiing, read a book, see a movie.  Here is how I created my 25 hour day.


Every year around New Years day, I take time to re-arrange my schedule in an effort to find an additional 7 hours in my week.  Below is a list of ideas that have worked in the past. Additionally since I am training to do a double Ironman this year, I needed to figure out how to get an additional 10 hours a week to train, so I found a solution.  Every week I have a set time to spend with my direct reports on a one-on-one basis, now our one-on-ones are spent running in the park.  I have only been doing it for a week now but it is working great.  We bring along an IPod to record any notes.  Since the run is a blackberry free zone, I think the meetings are much more focused.  


Here are some ideas I have used in the past:


1. Read a time management book: . It takes about an hour to read and I can guarantee you that you will find ideas that increase your productivity by that much. 

2. Have someone (computer person) fix optimize your computer.  Slow start ups, hard time finding files, old versions of programs all waste time.


3. Use Google; This is a company run by a bunch of smart people who's goal it is to make life simpler for others. Some of my favorites are:

    Google alerts - Helps me keep track of everything I care to know about.  I have alerts set for companies, markets and people I need to hear about (Google Fast flip -  read magazines/newspapers faster)

    Google Reader - RSS news feed 

    Google voice- takes my voice mail from my Cell phone and converts to text and emails to me.  (this alone saves my assistant 7 hrs a week)

    Google - 411 - download to cell phone/blackberry -  this beats calling 411 on your phone and its free.  

    Google apps on blackberry -   maps with GPS, mail for full search ability.

    Google Translate - send it a document in English and it will translate into any language -  and it works great.

    For a full list check out --


4. Remember Jim Fannin?  His weekly big rock check is a great way to prioritize and it only takes 30 mins a week. Below is a link to his book:

The premise is real simple though.  Take out a piece of paper and draw 7 big circles (rocks) label each of them with your big priorities:  family, health, personal life, work, employees, etc, etc. Take the paper and put it on the floor.  Stare at each circle and make a few notes of your weekly goal in each category.  Keep the list handy all week.


5. Look at your calendar and delegate one or two calls/ meetings to one of your reports.  This is a great way to grow the organization.

6. Have a meeting with your reports and ask them if there is anything they see you do that they would like to start doing for you.  You will be surprised with the answers and the ability out there.

7. Speak up - If you think there are things we do that don't make sense or are a waste of your time tell someone and always give an alternate plan.

8. Get training -   for years I have worked with trainers to help make me better in certain areas.  this can be anything from computer training, management, speech skills,  time management,  goal setting, executive  coaching, etc, etc.

9. Personal fitness - As an Ironman I am obviously a big believer in this.  Fitness doesn't mean running 50 miles it can mean walking around the block a few times each morning.  My morning runs are some of my most productive times of the day. You will be surprised how much more energy you have in your days after exercising. 

10. Be mobile – Nowadays everyone has a cell phone and since most of our meetings are on the phone it doesn't really matter where you are most of the time.  Don't rush to the office to get on a conf call.  Stay home (maybe get your workout in) then get on the call from home. We live in a 24 hr society now but it works both ways so if you need time during the day to get something family related done then do it.

11. Find a quiet place- I can't emphasize this enough.  If you need time to concentrate find a place where you are not going to be interrupted 100 times.  This also goes for weekly meetings with your direct reports find a way to close out the outside world.  Don't answer calls and emails when you are in your meetings with them; if you have to, leave the office.   I had a problem paying attention on conf calls when I was in front of my computer so I started walking in the park during calls.  I am much more alert because I eliminated distractions.


Hope this helped and please share your success stories and other ideas.


Thanks for making it happen!



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