"I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have
of it", Thomas Jefferson.
Ask any very successful person what the secret to their success is, and
they will usually answer hard work AND a lot of luck. It is an essential
combination that has led to the greatest innovations of all times. I do
not believe that success is possible by only luck alone. Just look at the
history of lottery winners; more of them declare bankruptcy within 5 years
of winning than the general population. The same goes for hard workers;
without the opportunity to be in the right place at the right time all that hard
work and effort could lead to little success.
Last week Signature Community had one of those right-place-at-the-right-
time opportunities, one that I think will be very beneficial to our residents
for years to come.
So here is the story:
One of our residents in the Kansas City market
sent an email to our leasing office to relocate within our properties.
He inadvertently added an extra letter to the email address, and this
misplaced email fortuitously ended up being forwarded to my account. I
forwarded it to the proper team member at Signature; but I also noticed
that the resident's signature line was from the Kaufman Institute in
Kansas City, one of the preeminent organizations in the world for helping
I took the bold step of reaching out to our resident (a director of the
Institute) to ask for the Kaufman Institute's help in growing the Signature
Job Training Program, with the goal of helping our residents retool
themselves into jobs or new businesses to survive this new economy.
had been thinking about this project for the past year and we have been
working on it at Signature for the past few months, so this accidental
email luckily came my way at the right time. My call to Kaufman was well-
received, and they have agreed to partner with Signature Community
on rolling out entrepreneurial training to select Signature Community
A little luck and a lot of hard work can produce great results. In the next
few month we will be making available to our residents what I hope will be
the kind of program that gives them the opportunity to succeed in this wild
new economy.
Thanks for making luck happen at Signature Community.
Nickolas Jekogian
Signature Community
Blog -http://www.nwjceommm.blogspot.com/
"Si3" Signature: Ideas, Innovation, Implementation!
Send ideas to: ideas@asignaturecommunity.com
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