"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." Henry Ford
Above is an article by Richard Florida who is one of my favorite demographic writers. His insight into what is happening to the job base of the United States is, in my mind, spot-on and a serious problem.
We at Signature Community see every day the great divide that is being created between rich and poor in our country. In some parts students entering some of the best schools in the country are renting our apartments. Their parents drop them of in Mercedes and pay their rents on our auto-pay system. At the other extreme, we have residents in the heartland areas of the US who are struggling to make a living. There is nothing in the middle. Just as Florida spoke of, we have residents that were originally working in factories or construction at decent-paying stable jobs. But since those jobs are diminishing in the US, they are now working in the service industry and making wages that are less than sufficient to support a family.
"Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." Theodore Roosevelt
At Signature Community we realize the importance of finding residents that can afford to pay the rent and still have money to buy food, clothing and support their family. We also understand the reality of the US economy at this time. So we have embarked on a program that we call Signature Works, which we feel will change the way that residents value living in Signature Community. We are creating the first ever apartment community-based skills training program. Not only will a Signature Community resident get a great place to live, but those who need it will get the encouragement, support and resources they need to retool and reset their careers, make a living wage and enrich their self-esteem.
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime"—Author unknown
This program is in its infancy stages. We will keep you informed of our progress. We expect Signature Works to be one of the most valuable Signature Community Rewards ever offered. Please let me know if you have any ideas for Signature Works.
Thanks for making it work at Signature Community.
Nickolas Jekogian
Signature Community
Blog -http://www.nwjceommm.blogspot.com/
"Si3" Signature: Ideas, Innovation, Implementation!
Send ideas to: ideas@asignaturecommunity.com
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