Monday, April 14, 2008

Its a big world.

Being in NY we sometimes take for granted that the world doesn't revolve around Manhattan, or the US for that matter. My run this morning on the streets of Dubai, UAE (United Arab Emeriates) proved that point to me today.

At daybreak I counted more than 50 cranes in the air (from just one window view). I wondered around the construction site of what is today the Worlds tallest building (Burj Dubai). The development going on here dwarfs that of any developing city I have every seen. All this in a city that hardly existing 10 years ago.

What we need to keep in perspective is that its a big world out there and the US is no longer the power that it once was. This is good and bad. Good for us because with the US in finacial straits right now the world economy seems to be holding its own if not continuing to expand nicely. The bad side is that the US is being bailed out by foreign investors that at the end of the day are buying big pieces of US industries on the cheap.

As NWJ Cos. continues to grow we are will have to look at the forces outside of our US borders as both positive and negative influences on our business.

"If you take risks, you may still fail. But if you do not take risks, you will surely fail. The greatest risk of all is to do nothing." - Robert C. Goizueta (1931-1997), former CEO, Coca-Cola

The Best is yet to come and we have a lot of work ahead of us.

Let's Make It Happen

Nickolas W Jekogian
NWJ Companies
917 763 3500

Nickolas W. Jekogian
917 763 3500

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