Monday, November 24, 2008

Economic Update

As many of you know NWJ/Signature community was forced to make job cutbacks last week.

Many of the job cuts were in markets where we had more personnel than necessary and we feel that the remaining workforce can more than handle the overflow work.

The cuts were obviously not desired but needed to deal with the impending difficult times we will be dealing with in the coming months of this economic downturn. As I have mentioned in this blog over the past few months the economy is turning significantly worse and there does not seem to be a quick end in sight. We as a company need to band together to deal with these issues. We have made numerous changes at the regional manager levels, stabilization levels and in the corporate offices and anticipate that these changes will leave us much better equipped to weather the rough economic seas ahead of us.

We do need your ideas and help to find other ways to help deal with the impending difficulties that are already wreaking havoc on our resident base and their lives. Remember that Signature Community is a lifestyle brand and as such we must do whatever we can to make our residents lives better. Some times that involves cooking steak dinners or supplying free cable tv or at times it may be providing hot dogs or canned goods to our less fortunate residents or allowing them to do small jobs to help pay the rent.

These are bad times for everyone and we as a company must find ways to help our residents survive it.

Again please share your ideas and thoughts.

Thanks for making it happen.


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