Monday, February 16, 2009

Try this at home - The 90 Second Rule

In times of pressure like this recession you need to make sure you pay attention to your personal and family life.

Here is one technique I personally use to help at home...

The 90 Second Rule
By Jim Fannin

If you have been away from people that you care about, such as family and close friends for at least two hours, the first 90 seconds that you see them has more impact than spending hours with them later. How many times have we come home from a hard, long day at work and we dismiss the ones we care for upon arrival? I'm too tired. Not now, I want to rest first. How about when we say nothing at all? How many times have you been greeted at the door and you were not aware of the mood or disposition of the greeter? How many times have you walked in talking on your cell phone? How many times have you come home and paid all of your attention to the kids and not your significant other? How many times have you come home and immediately started talking about your day? Too many times!

The next time you go home after an absence of two or more hours, prepare to give your family and /or friends your undivided attention. 90 seconds. That's all it takes to say with your attentive words and actions, "I love you...I need you...I missed you...I value you...I need you in my life."

You may have to make that last cell phone call in the drive way or you may need to clear your brain for a few minutes before you walk through the door. Be prepared as you enter a new life arena.

Inside The 90 Second Rule® is a technique you can use called "mirroring." Mirror or mimic the mood, behavior or feelings of the person in front of you. If your significant other is sad, then say in a low, sad tone..."Are you okay. What the matter?" If your child is excited about seeing you or is excited about telling you what happened at school, mirror their excitement. By mirroring the feelings and body language of the people you care about you, you connect with them on their terms. It's now about them. Once you mirror their low mood then you can help them reverse it to a positive. Practice "mirroring" and you will start to connect with family and friends.

I found out about this a few months ago and have been using it at home and the results are astounding. But don't take my word for it try it yourself and see.

Remember attitudes are contagious. If you are happy others will be too.
Work on this and you will make it happen.


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