Monday, March 23, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking

Its not in the newspapers, in the streets of New York, or even on main street America. Optimism is by far, going to be the biggest driver of the economy out of recession/depression territory. Until banks, investors, business owners, and consumers are optimistic about their financial outlook the economy will only get worse.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem that Obama has the ability to make everyone optimistic, and rightly so. He can not do it alone, we have to be ready to jump in and do our part. We are at a period in the US where consumers and businesses need to reposition themselves into better spending patterns. In some households that means no more BMWs or multiple vacations a year, in others it may mean no home ownership. These are realignments that need to be done because our previous levels of spending were unsustainable.

How do we become more optimistic? Well its pretty easy, start thinking about the present and not the past. About the current opportunities not the past failure, about the good news not the negative media spin.

Everyday, very positive and amazing things happen in peoples lives. However, lately, we tend to be focused on the 10 negative stories on the evening news. To become more optimistic, stop watching the news. Quickly skim the morning news and only read the positive articles or find some good positive articles on the Internet (check out Find an article you like and send it to everyone you know( include your residents).
Ask them to send you any positive articles they find in the news. Before you know it you will be inundated by positive news and energy.

With this new found positive energy, keep spreading it to your residents, employees, vendors, sellers, whoever you deal with.
Remember, in today's environment, you made be giving them the only positive news they received all day. Positive energy shared with others, comes back to you and the company in kind.

"I am not saying that the world economic crisis is going to be solved by smiles and positive articles, but I do believe positive attitudes will help start propelling our country back into the economic powerhouse we are accustomed to.

Let's go out and make people happy.

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