Monday, July 13, 2009

The Best Advice I Ever Got

Fortune magazine did a cover this week on the best advice current day CEOs ever received when they were younger. Some great examples from this years issue: learn to do things yourself, even if you don't have the perfect answer if you convey your answer with confidence it will become the perfect answer, set realistic goals, achieve them then re-calibrate.

Some really great advice is to read thru them and the try to execute on a few of them for the next few months.

Here are a few that I have adopted over the years;

The secret to success is - hard work. Period.

Do what you love. Otherwise its impossible to get out of bed every morning.

The greatest mathematical equation is the law of compounding interest the more time/effort you put in early in life the higher the rewards later in life.

Pay it forward - if you want to make $100,000 a year then work as though you make it already. It will come in time.

When you stop having fun its time to move on.

Get on the bus. There will only be a few big opportunity times in your life don't miss them.

Never, ever , ever give up.

The race is won at the finish line.

In real estate - I rather regret not doing a deal then regretting having done a deal.

The first 90 seconds is what matters. This goes for wife, husband, kids, customers alike.

Write your goals down and put definitive dates on them. Otherwise they are called dreams.

Learn everything you can every day. Never stop learning.

Get out of your comfort zone. Do something scary everyday.

Make it happen!

Please add any advise that has worked for you.

Thanks for making it happen.

1 comment:

KCbabs58 said...

If you don't ask for the sale, someone else will.

Never let them walk away without truly understanding what they wanted.

Laugh often!

To make one person smile once a day, is a great acheivement.